Hal?loween & fall dec?o?rat?ing is now in full swing here! That also means the kids? Hal?loween & fall related art projects are too! While try?ing to come up with a solu?tion to the influx of papers last year, I made an ?Autumn? sign that dou?bled as an art?work holder. It was WONDERFUL! But for Octo?ber this year,? I wanted some?thing more Halloween-ish! So, I made a Hal?loween sign & art?work holder dis?play! We needed Elmer?s black foam board to do the board. So, the lit?tles and I took a trip to Wal?mart for craft sup?plies and gro?ceries! {You can view that shop?ping trip here}?
Like always, we found more than what we went for. It was good finds though, like foot?ball paper plates for all of our col?lege foot?ball ?home?gat?ing? and Star Wars trick ?or treat bags for the boys!
Plus, we got every?thing extra we needed for the sign project and groceries!
Once back at home, the first step was spray paint?ing the leaves and clothes?pins. If you decide to make this, you can choose what?ever embell?ish?ments you?d like. I decided that I wanted it to still have a fall feel (with the leaves), but wanted the leaves mostly black (with just a lit?tle orange). So, I spray painted the clothes pins orange and black?also.
Once all that was dry, then it was time to gather up all the sup?plies. To make the board just like mine, here?s what you?ll need:
The first impor?tant step is to cut your foam board to the desired size. I used an X-ACTO knife to cut it and made it about 6? tall (but the whole length of the board). Once that was done, I put on the let?ters to spell ?Hal?loween?. I used my Cri?cut to cut out the let?ters, sized at 4.25?.? To attach the let?ters, I used the thin Glue Spots. Glue Spots are SO awe?some for their ease of use, while cre?at?ing a bit of dimen?sion.
Once the let?ters were on,? I hot-glued on the clothes?pins with the back por?tion of the pin attached to the back of the board. Doing it this way allows the clothes?pin to still be func?tional in the front. Of course, if you don?t want it to dis?play art?work, pho?tos would be fun too. Or you could just leave the clothes?pins off entirely and just have a cute Hal?loween sign!
Then, the whole rest of the process is adding your embell?ish?ments! I hot-glued on the spray painted leaves to each side. Then, decided to add some glit?tery jack ?0 lantern stick?ers I found while shopping?one on each side. I also had some plain felt spi?ders that I thought would be a good addi?tion too. But, they were a lit?tle hard see on the black. Adding eyes with my orange Elmer?s 3D glit?ter paint pen was the per?fect solu?tion though! The last part of the process was adding just a lit?tle bit of spi?der web?bing to the front & a wire to hang it with on the back!
I love the way it turned out! Just the right bit of spooky & cute. It?s per?fect for hang?ing their projects! I made a whole wall dis?play then with the sign & their art, my DIY Hal?loween can?vas art, & some cut out bats!
Fun, huh?! What Hal?loween dec?o?ra?tions do you have?up?
For more crafty #Glu?enGlit?ter inspi?ra?tion, you can check out all the following:
Dis?clo?sure: I am a mem?ber of the Col?lec?tive Bias??Social Fab?ric??Com?mu?nity. ?This shop has been com?pen?sated as part of a social shop?per insights study for?Col?lec?tive Bias??and?Elmer?s. ?#CBias #Social?Fab?ric How?ever, all pho?tos, opin?ions, and expe?ri?ences are my own.
Source: http://www.momendeavors.com/2012/10/halloween-sign-artwork-holder-display.html
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