Workplace Charging ? the Next Frontier in EV Infrastructure
The term ?range anx?i?ety? is heard so often when con?tem?plat?ing the pur?chase or lease of an elec?tric vehi?cle that one might start to won?der if an anti-anxiety med?ica?tion should be pre?scribed with every vehi?cle deliv?ery. Thou?sands of non-residential charge sta?tions have been deployed in pub?lic loca?tions over the last year, with thou?sands more in the pipeline. But how will an EV dri?ver ever feel con?fi?dent that a charge will be avail?able where and when they need it? If we could focus on deploy?ing charg?ing infra?struc?ture where it?s needed the term range anx?i?ety can be com?pletely removed from our nomen?cla?ture. And where it?s clearly needed is at the workplace.
Research strongly sup?ports the need for work?place charg?ing. Accord?ing to the Elec?tri?cal Power Research Insti?tute (EPRI), 54% of non-residential park?ing occurs at the office and a recent study con?ducted by the Power & Energy Soci?ety of the IEEE con?cluded that work?place charg?ing is the best place for EV dri?vers to get a non-residential charge because the aver?age stay time is over four hours?long.
These same stud?ies show that a much smaller per?cent?age of non-residential park?ing (15%) occurs when some?one is shop?ping or doing sim?i?lar activ?i?ties and that the aver?age stay-time of these activ?i?ties is less than 2 hours. Yet this is where the major?ity of non-residential infra?struc?ture has been deployed to date ? not at the office where we know with a high level of pre?dictabil?ity the fre?quency and dura?tion of our stays, but rather at loca?tions we visit spo?rad?i?cally and with brevity to run errands.
Deploy?ing work?ing charg?ing solu?tions will not only help alle?vi?ate range anx?i?ety but it also helps busi?nesses meet cor?po?rate envi?ron?men?tal respon?si?bil?i?ties, cre?ate an envi?ron?men?tal friendly com?pany image and attract and retain top for?ward think?ing tal?ent. For prop?erty own?ers it can lead to LEED cred?its and cer?ti?fi?ca?tion, which ulti?mately enhances prop?erty?value.
Brett Hauser is Chief Oper?at?ing Offi?cer for EVConnect.
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