Friday, July 13, 2012

Discovery of a true cure for Alzheimer's | Zero To Hero TV Health ...

One out of every eight Americans gets it, and 47% of those who reach 85 years of age have it. Up to now Alzheimer?s was a disease without a remedy. Sure, there are nutritional or drug based substances that slow the symptoms, but If nothing else killed you Alzheimer?s would over a period of time.

Up until recently Alzheimer?s patients took medications just to be able to dress, bathe, use a phone, and other basic necessary functions by themselves a while longer. A team of researchers from the University of California, Irvine, has announced the discovery of a true cure for Alzheimer?s. The best part of this cure is it?s cheap and widely accessible. The cure is vitamin B3, nicotinamide, or more commonly referred to as niacinamide.

Nicotinamide is one of the two principal forms of the B-complex vitamin niacin. The term niacin is used as a collective term to refer to both nicotinamide and nicotinic acid, the other principal form of niacin, or the term is used synonymously with nicotinic acid. Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid have identical vitamin activities, but they have very different pharmacological activities.

Vitamin B3 facilitates the processes involved with metabolizing fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, over 50 enzymes are able to function properly because of this one vitamin. Niacin, as it?s also called, is one of the more stable vitamins and as such it is able to resist oxidation, heat and alkalies.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) has an interesting effect on the arteries. First, this vitamin helps the arteries widen, which enables blood to circulate more easily. Also, because Niacin lowers the body?s bad (LDL) cholesterol levels, it helps prevent plaque from forming and building-up on artery walls. The result is improved blood flow and even better, a reduced risk of heart attack.

Vitamin B3 plays also a major role in keeping the body?s nervous system, digestive tract and overall mental well-being functioning properly. Healthy skin requires a regular supply of this vitamin. And finally, it?s also required in order to produce various hormones including progesterone and testosterone.

Like the other B vitamins, Vitamin B3 is water soluble, meaning that it?s easily absorbed in water and needs to be constantly resupplied. The body does have the ability to produce a very small quantity of Niacin, but this amount is not enough to meet daily intake requirements. The rest must be supplied either by food or by supplementation.

Kim Green, Ph.D., director of the team at the University of California, Irvine, bought a year?s supply of Vitamin B3 and stirred it into the drinking water of forty lab mice, half of which were specially bred to get Alzheimer?s disease.

After treating the mice for only four months, he discovered what should have been front-page news in every city in the world. ?Cognitively, they were cured,?? said Dr. Green. They performed as if they?d never developed the disease.

Vitamin B3 is associated with an increase in ?microtubules,? which carry information inside brain cells. ?Microtubules are like highways inside cells. What we?re doing with [Vitamin B3] is making a wider, more stable highway,? one of the researchers said. ?In Alzheimer?s disease, this highway breaks down. We are preventing that from happening.?

All the researchers in the study were both astonished and excited. Rarely do you hear researchers using the word ?cured,? but that?s exactly what happened.

At the end of the study, the diseased mice that were treated with niacinamide performed just as well in memory tests as healthy mice! The niacinamide not only protected their brains from further memory loss, but incredibly, it also restored lost memory function.

Niacinamide has been used extensively for many purposes for over 60 years, and its safety is well-known. In fact, two of the ?basic books? about niacinamide therapy were written in the 1940s by William Kaufman, Ph.D, M.D., a psychiatrist and exceptionally thorough clinical researcher. In 1943, Dr. Kaufman wrote his first book on the nutrient, titled The Common Form of Niacin Amide Deficiency Disease: Aniacinamidosis. William Kaufman discovered that all of the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases ?disappeared or?improved considerably? with the use of niacinamide.

Vitamin B3 also has a history of improving another severe mental health problem ? schizophrenia. Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (considered to be the ?father? of orthomolecular psychiatry) started using niacinamide to treat schizophrenia in 1950. According to Dr. Hoffer?s figures, schizophrenic individuals who started taking niacinamide, along with vitamin C, have a 66 percent or higher chance of recovery.

Niacin is found in more animal products than plant products. Good sources of this vitamin include organ meats (kidney, liver), lean meats, pork, prawns, and even milk from a cow.

Some of the other sources include seeds and almonds, rice bran, wheat products, beans, green vegetables, turnips, carrots, celery and Brewers Yeast.

Vitamin B3 research provides more proof that mother Earth?s vitamins and nutrients, are more effective (and much cheaper) than toxic pharmaceutical drugs (that have many side effects) in treating and curing all diseases, viral infections and illnesses.





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