Sunday, February 26, 2012

Video: Analyzing the Michigan GOP campaign

CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood analyzes the tough campaigning ahead of the Michigan primary.

>>> let's bring in john harwood . i want to pick up with how ron ended the story about the gas prices . republicans will hone in on this. 18 straight days now we have seen gas prices rise. how vulnerable is the president on that issue?

>> lester, at a time when most things politically are going well for the president it's a problem for three reasons. first is the immediate pain americans are feeling and they identify every time they go to the pump. second, the potential to slow down the economic recovery and third, because of instability in the middle east threatens to make this problem worse over time . the one saving grace for the administration, typically gas prices go down in the fall after the summer driving months.

>> let me ask you about that sharp tone between romney and santorum. is that indicative of the fact they both see this as a crucial must win state and why?

>> they do see it as a must win state for mitt romney it's his home state. but he appears to have slowed down rick santorum 's momentum with his negative ads and with rick santorum 's poor debate performance. i spoke a few minutes ago with a senior santorum adviser. he recognized the momentum has slowed by they're looking ahead to super tuesday, states like ohio and oklahoma where they hope to extend this battle.

>> john harwood , thanks.


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